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CACCI recognizes the need to broaden the knowledge and technical skills of businessmen in the region with regard to the sound practices of doing business, trade, and investments, as well as on the efficient methods of production and chamber management.


Towards this end, CACCI has conducted or sponsored workshops, seminars, conferences, and other training programs that address specific issues and needs of participants and provide them with enhanced knowledge and competence, particularly on the latest business practices and applications in the region, that can be applied to their respective business.


Over the past years, CACCI has held training programs and study tours with other training organizations or business schools, or undertaking professional development efforts through various international aid agencies and other regional or international organizations of chambers of commerce such as the Eurochambres, the International Trade Centre, UNCTAD, the International Chamber of Commerce, the APEC Digital Opportunities Center (ADOC), among others. CACCI has also invited officers and experts from other international business organizations to give lectures or conduct seminars and workshops on important business issues, particularly on how to access export markets. These have included the following:

CACCI has partnered with the Taipei-based Secretariat of the APEC Digital Opportunity Center (ADOC) on conducting the road-show day workshop on “E-Commerce: Innovative Way of Doing Business in the Global Market” in several CACCI member countries. The joint CACCI-ADOC Secretariat workshop is designed to promote e-commerce to enhance e-business activities particularly in exploring opportunities in global market. There will also be a sharing of success stories of companies in their usage of e-commerce to reach out into the global markets.
CACCI has collaborated with the Geneva-based International Trade Centre (ITC) in conducting one-day workshops on “Financing of Small & Medium Enterprises: Increasing SMEs’ Access to Finance in the Context of the Global Financial Crisis” in selected CACCI member countries. The joint CACCI-ITC program is designed to address some of the challenges imposed by the global financial crisis and how to mitigate its impact on SMEs and the economy. Specifically, the workshop aims to provide an answer to the scarcity of credit availability, credit rating mechanisms, and risk assessment and management of SME lending.
CACCI has partnered with the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration (SMEA), Ministry of Economic Affairs of the ROC, in delivering the workshop on “Promoting SME and Regional Development” in selected CACCI member countries. The workshop is designed to serve as a platform for a three-way dialogue between the host chamber, the government, and the visiting lecturers on how to effectively promote the growth and development of SMEs in the host country.

CACCI has collaborated with the ICC Asia in conducting a joint workshop on ATA Carnet Implementation in selected CACCI member countries.

The primary objective of the workshop is to discuss the trade facilitation benefits of joining the ATA Carnet System. The target audience include Senior Customs officials, Senior Government Officials including officials from the Department of Trade and Industry and Trade Promotion Agencies; Chamber staff and members, representatives from the financial sector (banking and insurance), and representatives from the freight forwarders, fair and exhibition organizers, among others.

2016 FICCI-ICC-CACCI workshop on ATA Carnet System in Kolkata

CACCI has worked with the ICC Banking Commission in organizing the road-show workshop on UCP 600 and the URDG 758. The UCP 600, or the Revised Rules on Documentary Credits (Letters of Credit) of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), more commonly known as Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP), are used for letter of credit transactions worldwide and are extremely important for the business community, especially the trading and banking sectors. The URDG 758 (the Revised Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees) are used by banks and businesses across continents and industry sectors.

The CACCI Secretariat has partnered with Mr. Pavel Andrl, Secretary to the Banking Commission of the ICC Czech Republic, in organizing a series of workshops on “Short-Term Trade Finance” and on “Payment and Delivery Conditions of International Contract of Sale” jointly with CACCI member chambers. The one-day workshops provided participants knowledge on how to use documentary credits in day-to-day operational practice, as well as on the most important parts of a standard contract of sale.

2023 Successful Trade Finance Training held in Hanoi and HCMC

2016 Hanoi – ICC Short-term finance & Payment of international contract




CACCI has jointly conducted training programs with Eurochambres Academy on new trends and best practices in the management of Chambers.
CACCI has partnered with the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) on jointly conducting a one-day program on the topic “SME Access to Finance: How to Approach Bank.” The target participants are heads or business leaders of SMEs.

CACCI has also hosted the Chambers Operations Course in Taipei. The eight-day program provides the attendees with the opportunity to learn from the best practices in chamber management. The target participants include officers or section heads of national or local chambers who are actively engaged in managing the day-to-day operations of their respective organizations and play a critical role in promoting SME businesses in their respective countries. The Course is designed to help member chambers to effectively play their role in promoting the interest of the business sector, contributing to the development of the local economy, and advancing small and medium enterprises.


The Course prodices participants the opportunity to : (i) understand the role of chambers of commerce and industry, and sectoral organizations in the economic growth of countries in the Asian region, particularly in promoting the development of small and medium enterprises, with the view to sharing best practices on chamber operations and management; (ii) learn how small and medium enterprises in developed Asian countries run their businesses and gain a better understanding of government policies in promoting SME growth and development in the region; and (iii) know how promote trade and investment activities in the Asian region through chamber networking.


The Course consists of lectures, discussions and visits to relevant private and public sector institutions, as well as presentation of country reports by the participants.

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Contact Info

Mon - Frd : 8:00 -16:00
+020.098.456 11

Office Address

28 Valencia Street, New York United States of America